
Leading the Way in Supporting Blue-Collar Careers

Leading the Way in Supporting Blue-Collar Careers

In New Zealand’s busy blue-collar job scene, simply having the latest tools or a wide range of services isn’t enough for a company to stand out. What truly sets a company apart is a genuine mix of values, ethics, and dedication. At Lowie Recruitment, we’ve turned the job-finding process into an art, making us a standout choice for both employers looking for workers and people searching for jobs. Here’s why we’re the first choice for many:


A Personal Approach to Hiring

At the heart of Lowie Recruitment lies our commitment to a personal touch. We understand that behind every CV and job advert are real individuals with their own hopes, needs, and hurdles. By personalising our service, we ensure we’re not just filling positions but creating long lasting and happy partnerships between employers and employees.


Safety as a Priority

Workplace safety is more than ticking boxes – it’s central to our core values. Collaborating with health and safety experts, we ensure every job we fill is not only a great fit in terms of skills but is also in a safe and healthy setting. This peace of mind, knowing that well-being is our top priority, sets us apart.


We also share monthly health and safety advice with our staff to keep them up to speed on the best practices. Whether they’re in the field or off duty, our team is prepared to tackle various situations safely and with confidence. Our regular updates keep safety in the spotlight and affirm our commitment to their health, no matter where they are.


A Commitment to Excellence

Our pursuit of excellence is apparent in everything we do. From thoroughly assessing each candidate to providing thoughtful guidance to employers, striving for the best is in our DNA. This drive for quality has earned us the trust of New Zealand’s leading blue-collar businesses and established us as a favourite in the recruitment sector.


In-Depth Industry Insight

Our team’s extensive understanding of the blue-collar job market is unmatched. With over 50 years under our belt and a keen eye on the shifting trends, we’re expert in knowing what different sectors need. This know-how enables us to support our clients effectively and anticipate changes that might impact recruitment.


“Providing ongoing support, training, and development opportunities for our staff is vital in their journey within the blue-collar space. Always recognising and rewarding our hard-working employees for their efforts and mahi daily. Onwards and upwards”

Sam Wong-King, Business Development Manager at Lowie


Clear and Timely Communication

Clear, prompt communication is fundamental to how we operate. We’re always here to listen and mentor, ensuring our clients and job seekers are kept in the loop and supported at every turn. This dedication to open conversation promotes strong, trusting bonds and highlights our reputation for leadership and excellence.



In a competitive field, we aim to stand out by focusing not only on what we do but on how we do it. Our approach is centred around personalised service, prioritising safety, striving for excellence, deep market understanding, and effective communication. This is what distinguishes us and shows our commitment to supporting both our clients and individuals navigating the blue-collar job market.


Ready to make a move? Reach out to Sam for all your labour hire requirements.